Just like so many others that make it to a year of doing something, I feel a bit of an obligation to review the things that we’ve covered in a way.

This has been such a wonderful journey for me thus far, and I feel truly touched to be a vessel to communicate the love and light of the universe to you and yours, my faithful blog readers. I hope more than once you have found something that speaks to your heart and brought you through a moment where darkness was easier to find than the light. (I’ve found that even in my journey to pen these).  

The key is to believe that it IS possible even if it isn’t quite apparent ;). Thanks again for riding along on this journey, and know that I appreciate each and every one of you. May the messages continue to bring joy and hope as you walk your journey here. Keep the comments coming as well, it is good to know the message is landing somewhere and touching others. If you need reminders of below, feel free to surf my Archives of past posts.

Most of all remember:
*There IS a plan
*Choose hope
*Choose compassion – both towards yourself and towards fellow man
*Don’t let others doubts and negative talk trap you away from your awesome potential
*Make amends and attempt to set things right as much as possible
*Aim to be an agent of goodness in the world
*He is in the helicopter … He can see far further out than any of us. Trust that He knows what He’s doing.
*Don’t waste your life with people that abuse you. They can’t see the spark, but it isn’t theirs to take.
*Everything in life is a choice
*Force yourself to consider if things are a”can’t” or a “won’t” in your life.  I’d venture there are far more “won’t” than actual “can’t”
*Remember who packed your bag – He has your back
* Feel your greatness no matter how ordinary you think it is. It was given to You and you alone. If you don’t operate in it, it may go missing in the world. Don’t let that happen.
*Things will never fail to be challenging, but nothing is impossible.

Most of all, choose to see with your heart…choose LOVE.